The Sponsors and Learners of our online ISO auditor training courses have some insightfull as well as complimentary things to say.
The Sponsors and Learners of our online ISO auditor training courses have some insightfull as well as complimentary things to say.
… it has been an excellent source of information and increased my experience of implementing the ISO 9001 and auditing.
This is an excellent course. The content in the 3 modules was so beneficial and helped me to grasp details that I had previously struggled with. It was evident that the content was factual and from the real world in its tips for application. The answers and direction provided in the FAQ’s was excellent and very helpful. Any query I had was answered promptly. I honestly don’t know what you could do better. Thank you for all your help and guidance.
Course states 24 hours, I would say it took double that time to complete. Had some technical difficulties but Ultan King in support has been very helpful in resolving all issues.
Have only completed the first part of the course, enjoying it immensely, so far. the content is thorough and clearly explained. I only have one small observation – that it may be better using a real person, or even person(s) to present rather than a computer generated voice which can be a little wearing over time.
… excellent modules and the scenarios were great; the FAQ’s were also a great help.
I’m extremely pleased with my ISO 45001 Lead Auditor course from deGrandson that I started in February 2021. I work for Amazon as a Construction Manager constructing fulfilment centers in the UK, EU and worldwide. The course material is excellent, the online learning system is very easy to use and the course is very well structured. I highly recommend this course by deGrandson. Dr John FitzGerald is an expert in this subject area and it shows. You will be pleased that you also chose to study with deGrandson.
Just completed my online internal auditor transition course (ISO 9001:2015). Now, the illusion is that online courses are easy, and there is no value in them at all. Well, forget that one, this course is no pushover by any means and the way it is structured really does push you.
I have finished the full course. Thank you for your help during it. It has been an excellent tool as I implement our ISO 27001.
This is an excellent course. The content in the 3 modules was so beneficial and helped me to grasp details that I had previously struggled with. It was evident that the content was factual and from the real world in its tips for application. The answers and direction provided in the FAQ’s was excellent and very helpful. Any query I had was answered promptly. I honestly don’t know what you could do better. Thank you for all your help and guidance.
Course states 24 hours, I would say it took double that time to complete. Had some technical difficulties but Ultan King in support has been very helpful in resolving all issues.
Thoroughly enjoyed the course and found it both stimulating and useful. The quizzes at the end of each section were particularly helpful.
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