What is ISO 14001?
The ISO 14001 standard, defined in full as ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management Systems – Requirements with Guidance for Use, is an internationally recognized standard that sets out the requirements for an Environmental Management System (EMS).
The requirements of ISO 14001 are an integral part of the EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS). With its eye-catching logo and flag, EMAS has expanded requirements for performance improvement (KPIs), legal compliance, and reporting duties.
Initially developed by the British Standards Institute and known as BS 7750, it became an international standard in 1996 when published under the auspices of the International Standards Organization (ISO). It has evolved through several iterations into a standard that demonstrates an organization’s environmental commitment to its customers and other stakeholders. As such, it is now globally applicable to all kinds of organizations.
What is the purpose of ISO 14001?
The purpose of the Standard is to provide a framework for an organization to manage its environmental responsibilities in a systematic manner that will …
1. Enhance the organization’s environmental performance, that is, minimize the organization’s environmental footprint,
2. Fulfill compliance requirements plus any voluntary schemes to which the organization subscribes and
3. Continually improve environmental performance based on an entire life cycle approach.
Fundamental to fulfilling achieving these objectives are two features …
1. An Environmental Policy – the intentions and direction of an organization as formally expressed by its top management and consistent with the context of the organization and
2. Environmental Objectives – measurable targets, generally specified for relevant organizational functions, levels, and processes – focused on improvements. External Auditors will persistently pay great attention to these four issues.
For more, visit ISO 14001 – Key Benefits.
What is an Environmental Management System (EMS)?
An EMS is a collection of business processes focused on a) minimizing how an organization’s operations (processes, etc.) negatively affect the environment (i.e., cause adverse changes to air, water, or land), b) comply with applicable laws, regulations, and other environmentally oriented requirements, and c) continually improve in environmental performance. It is aligned with an organization’s purpose and strategic direction.
It is expressed as the organizational goals and the environmental programs, policies, processes, documented information, and resources needed to implement and maintain it. ISO environmental management system standards are not limited to ISO 14001.
What are the benefits of a formal Environmental Management System or EMS?
- Improved environmental performance. This includes higher conformance with legislative and regulatory requirements.
- Minimized risk of regulatory fines and environmental liability. It also helps to improve an organization’s reputation.
- Reduced waste. It helps minimize the consumption of resources and operating costs.
- Eliminate the need for multiple registrations or certifications to ISO 14001. This is applicable if the organization is operating internationally.
- Improved public perception of the organization. Additionally, it adds to the attractiveness of the organization as an employer.
- Demonstrates an innovative and forward-thinking approach. It helps with customers’ and prospective customers’ perceptions.
- Potentially reduce public liability insurance costs.
- Qualify for pre-tender and tender opportunities. This is especially true if you deal with the public sector.
- Performance of periodic internal audits. Helps with monitoring compliance with requirements and highlighting deficiencies.
- Corrective actions to prevent the recurrence of errors. Try to make mistakes only once, if at all.
- Informed Board of Directors. It is reassuring to know that the organization is environmentally responsible and has a certificate to prove it.
- Management satisfaction knowing that the organization is functioning in line with legal requirements.
For more, visit OBJECTIVES in implementing ISO 9001 and other Management Systems.
Who needs an Environmental Management System or EMS?
An Environmental Management system (EMS) is a formalized system that provides organizations with a framework for better management control of environmental aspects of their operations, which can reduce their environmental impact.
So, you have an EMS, and the fundamental question is, do we need to formalize the system? Most organizations asking themselves this question say yes. And currently, more than 300,000 organizations in 171 countries have a formal EMS certified to ISO 14001.
What is an ISO 14001 Certification?
An ISO 14001 Certificate is recognition from a Certification Body – CAB (usually an accredited Certification Body) that an organization has implemented and is maintaining an Environmental Management system that meets the requirements of ISO 14001:2015.
Do You Need ISO 14001 Certification?
Yes and No.
In many cases, ISO 14001 certification can be a valuable tool to add credibility by demonstrating Your organization’s commitment to operating with minimum adverse effects on the environment through an independent audit. For some sectors, ISO 14001 certification is a legal or contractual requirement.
What are the Benefits of having ISO 14001 Certification?
There are at least sixteen benefits that organizations with an environmental management system in place can enjoy, such as:
- Legal and Regulatory Compliance: As demonstrated by independent assessment by an accredited certification body.
- Reputation: Be taken seriously as a prospective supplier as the holder of ISO 14001 Certification.
- Qualify for pre-tender and tender opportunities, especially from the public sector.
- Status: On equal terms with the ‘big boys’ – the size of your organization won’t hold you back.
- Aspects and impact analysis help engender a habit of quantifying threats of all kinds to the business and then proactively dealing with them.
- Objectives and improvement obligations focus you on setting targets for improvement and then planning and implementing them in a timely manner.
What is the Latest ISO 14001 Version?
The latest ISO 14001 version as of writing is ISO 14001:2015 — the revision of the previous ISO 14001:2004.
How do you get ISO 14001 Certification?
There are two stages in securing ISO 14001 Certification:
Stage 1. Develop, implement, and maintain a suitable EMS for your organization: Our Infographic shown here nicely illustrates the multi-step process of preparing for Certification (click on the infographic image to get a copy for yourself).
Whichever of the three approaches you choose (or variants thereof), you will benefit from our ISO 14001 Lead Implementer Course in managing and directing your ISO 14001 Project.
Stage 2. Engage the services of a CAB to undertake the necessary evaluations and audits: When choosing a certification body, you should:
- Evaluate several certification bodies.
- Check if the certification body auditing activities include ISO 14001:2015.
- Check if it is accredited. Accreditation is not compulsory, and non-accreditation does not necessarily mean it is not reputable, but it does provide independent confirmation of competence. To find an accredited certification body, contact the national accreditation body in your country or visit the International Accreditation Forum.
Note: the terms certification and accreditation cannot be used interchangeably, though it is not uncommon to do so. The difference between accreditation and Certification is:
Certification – the provision by an independent body of written assurance (a certificate) that the product, service, or system in question meets specific requirements.
Accreditation – the formal recognition by an independent body, generally known as an accreditation body, that a certification body operates according to international standards.
For more, visit the International Accreditation Forum and 10 Reasons to change your ISO Certification Body.
What is ISO 14001 Training?
ISO 14001 training, or EMS training if you prefer, involves training programs designed to equip auditors, lead implementers, quality managers, and other management system professionals with the necessary skills and knowledge to develop, implement, maintain, or audit Environmental Management Systems and ensure their compliance with the requirements of ISO 14001.
Why is ISO 14001 Training Important?
EMS training is important because more and more organizations are moving to reduce their environmental footprint.
This training will give EMS auditors and implementers the necessary knowledge and experience to help organizations minimize environmental footprint, achieve full compliance with international regulations, and continually improve their environmental performance based on an entire life cycle approach.
Is ISO 14001 training mandatory?
Yes and no. ISO 14001 training is not mandatory in many cases; however, it will provide you with the knowledge and skills required to perform audits of environmental management systems in accordance with internationally recognized standards.
Do Management Representatives or others responsible for an Environmental Management System or EMS need training?
The training of a Management Representative or others with day-to-day responsibility to maintain an EMS is NOT mandatory. Training is implied as part of developing competence but not a specific stand-alone requirement.
So, unless you are determined to outsource this support indefinitely (technically, that’s not permitted), you must train your Management Representative. And you’re in luck. We’ve got precisely the Course you need.
For more, visit the ISO 14001 Lead Implementer Course.
What are My Options for ISO 14001 Training?
Conventional classroom-based EMS training courses usually limit you to two choices. These are a 2-day internal auditor course or a 5-day lead auditor course.
Sometimes, this makes selecting an appropriate ISO 14001 course a bit challenging.
With deGRANDSON’s e-Training programs you can enrol in any of our ISO 14001 online training courses that you can take anytime and anywhere you want. With many options to choose from, you can pick the one that fits your needs best.
In addition to our ISO 14001 internal auditor and lead auditor courses, deGRANDSON also offers a lead implementer course for those who want to become an EMS consultant, an extension course for those who want to add ISO 14001 to their existing internal or lead auditor certification, and a conversion course for those who want to upgrade their current ISO 14001 certification to the latest standard.
For more detailed information, check out our answers to 21 frequently asked questions about ISO 14001.
How Can I Enroll in an ISO 14001 Training Course?
You can enrol in any of deGRANDSON’s online training courses by going to the product page of the course you want to enrol in. Once there, add the course to your cart and then proceed to checkout and payment.
Once you’ve paid for the course, you will be asked to provide the email address or addresses of the people who will be enrolling in the course. They will then receive an email providing the username and password they would need to access deGRANDSON’s Learning Management System where the training is delivered.
Please see this video to see a more visual demonstration of the enrollment process.