Pay in four monthly installments at no extra charge
When you are buying a Course for yourself, having to pay the full price upfront can be off-putting. So, now we’re able to help with instalment payments. Here are the details …
- Installment payments apply to all our Courses costing more than Eur 350 (or equivalent in other currency).
- You simply pay in four equal monthly installments;
- You can use any Credit or Debit Card – that’s correct, you don’t need a Credit Card;
- There are no extra charges – the price you see is the total that you pay and, as we are providing vocational training, there’s no VAT to be added for our EU customers;
- This service is available in 40+ countries (see over);
- You can enjoy Corporate and other Discounts and still make installment payments;
- Google Pay and Apple Pay works in addition to conventional credit and debit cards;
- Otherwise, our standard Terms and Conditions apply.
It doesn’t get better than this!