Online Course Delivery
How are deGRANDSON Global’s Online ISO Courses Delivered?
deGRANDSON Global’s ISO courses are delivered via e-training with the help of our Learning Management System. You can choose which browser or device you want to use for learning as well as when and where you want to do it.
And with our Full Resume feature, you can end a session mid-lesson (for example, while using your work PC). After this, you can restart the lesson from where you left off — even from a different device. Nice one, yes?
What does 24/7 Tutor Support Mean?
One of the greatest fears of new Learners is that they will get stuck. That is, get to a point in the Course where they don’t understand the point being made and are unable to proceed further.
This does not happen with a deGRANDSON Course.
We provide a 24/7 Tutor Support Service. All that’s required is to complete a Support Ticket (you’ll see a link at the top of every page) outlining the problem being encountered. Typically within a couple of hours, we will have contacted the relevant Expert and sent back an answer to resolve the difficulty enabling the Learner to proceed.
How can I access Tutor Support?
Learners can log in to our Support Ticket System (you only have to log in once) to submit their questions to a Tutor. Typically, you’ll receive a considered response within 2 hours. It may take a little longer if you ask us a really difficult one. But we will find a suitable expert and get you an answer.
Access Support Tickets from the Menu Bar at the top of the screen for our website ( and the LMS (
Do you have Live Chat Support?
Yes, we do. In addition to our 24/7 service by email, we also have a messaging service on our website, which our customers use mainly for questions about course content, pricing, and discounts.
Why can’t I repeat the Quizzes?
We include a Quiz at the end of each Lesson to provide you, the Learner, with feedback as to whether you’ve captured the essential points of the Lesson.
If you fail, we do not want you repeatedly taking the Quiz until you Pass (as has happened previously), which gains you nothing.
Instead, we want you to repeat the Lesson. And so, you are not allowed to repeat Quizzes.
What are the advantages of eTraining?
Our e-Training Courses deliver real-time interactive content in a secure web-based environment. Furthermore, it’s specifically tailored to meet the needs of individual learners and organisations of varying sizes.
Self-paced, on-demand Courses
You take the Lessons at dates and times of your own choosing. The Lessons are availabke 24/7. The only limitation is that Courses must be completed witghin 6 months.
deGRANDSON courses are structured to engage and maintain learner interest. Additionally, our e-Training approach is focused on modern methods of adult education.
Full Audio Narration
Every screen is narrated to reinforce, and add detail to, the information presented.
Closed Captions
Courses make use of on-screen display of the full audio narration. This, however, is optional.
Many Visual Aids
We also make use of flowcharts and diagrams to enhance the visual experience.
Easy-to-follow Course Structure
Each course is delivered in three modules focused on the following:
- Auditing Skills
- Knowledge of the Standard
- Scenarios.
Said modules are further divided into a number of lessons lasting 15 – 20 minutes each.
Course Materials
All courses have their own series of support documents, flowcharts, and diagrams. They can then be printed or saved to your own device for later reference or further searching.
At the end of each lesson, answers to frequently asked questions are provided so that learners may benefit from the experience of other learners.
To complete each lesson, there is a quiz to enable the learner to check the extent and depth of their learning.
If incorrect or inadequate answers were given, automatic remediation takes the learner back to the areas of difficulty. An option to repeat the lesson is also available.
Finally, at the end of each of the three modules (sets of lessons), an online examination of 40 to 60 minutes will be given.
Certificates Available Online
Upon successful completion of all three module examinations, the auditor’s course certificate is going to be made immediately available via the LMS.
Full Book-marking (i.e Resume Feature)
Students can leave a lesson at any time and subsequently resume where they left off.
Continuation of the lesson can be done on a different day, a different location or a different device. Through these, the learner is provided with a true 24/7 learning experience.
No Videos or Talking Heads
Some of our competitors offer nothing but talking heads (filmed lectures) or hour-after-hour of video. deGRANDSON does not do the same. Instead, We provide our Learners with a combination of:
- Auditing Skills training with Lessons made up of instruction plus, FAQs plus Quizzes
- Knowledge of the Standard again with Lessons made up of instruction plus, FAQs plus Quizzes
- Scenarios to practice newly gained skills and knowledge and based on real auditing situations and quandaries.
What are the disadvantages of eTraining?
While e-Training offers several advantages, it can also come with a few disadvantages like the following:
- It requires discipline from the learner. Self-paced study does not always work for everyone. In some cases, this makes it too easy for the learner to put off until tomorrow what needs to be studied today.Thus, the learner must learn to set aside time to do the lessons. Usually, six hours a week is a good choice.Studying with other learners as a group can also be a good strategy to keep everyone motivated.
- No one-on-one interaction with the trainer. Another disadvantage of online training is the lack of one-on-one interaction.To make up for this, courses include quizzes including FAQs from previous learners to address whatever questions you may have.
- No group participation. Being able to benefit from the experiences of fellow learners on a conventional course can make a difference. We are aware of this. So we try to include many scenarios in our courses which can simulate the feeling of a real class discussion.