ISO 17025:2017 Internal Auditor Extension Course
Already an Internal Auditor for ISO 9001 or other Management System Standard?
Why not add ISO 17025 Internal Auditor Certification with this online course, which provides you with the Auditing Skills, the Knowledge of the Standard and the practical application of that knowledge with Audit Scenarios to enable you to undertake ISO 17025 Internal Audits.
Learning Outcomes
After successfully completing the Course, the Learner will …
- Understand the requirements of the 2017 Standard including …
- The new and expanded requirements for Impartiality, Confidentiality and Complaints,
- The greater emphasis on Risk and Opportunity based on risk-based thinking,
- The introduction of Sampling to the Standard,
- Sampling uncertainty as a significant contributor to Measurement Uncertainty, in addition to analytical uncertainty,
- The possibility of for Sampling activities alone, and
- The detailed nature of Metrological Traceability.
- Have practiced with Scenarios to identify nonconformities, risks and opportunities and collection of improvement actions.
- Have a list of all instances where the revised Standard requires Documentation and Records.
Who should enroll in this ISO 17025 Internal Auditor Extension Course?
This course is intended for those who:
- wish to add ISO 17025:2017 to their Internal Auditor Certification,
- wish to perform TCLMS internal audits within your organization,
- wish to improve your career prospects,
- wish to understand the processes of conducting TCLMS internal audit or external audits.
- It is also recommended for management involved in the audit process.
What will I learn from this ISO 17025 Internal Auditor Extension Course?
This is a comprehensive course covering all aspects of ISO 17025 Internal Auditing is divided into three Modules …
- Module 0: Introduction and background to the Standard and auditing.
- Module 1: Knowledge of the Standard, ISO 17025:2017, General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories
- Introduction to ISO 17025:2017
- Terms & Definitions – ISO 17025:2017
- Some Key aspects of TCLMS Auditing
- Fundamentals of TCL Management Systems
- Structure & content of ISO 17025:2017
- Parts 1, 2 & 3
- Part 4: General Requirements, incl. impartiality (identify risks to impartiality) and confidentiality
- Part 5: Structural requirements -the physical infrastructure
- Part 6: Resource requirements – the personnel, environmental conditions, metrological traceability, etc.
- Part 7: Process requirements – sampling, testing, measurement uncertainty, reporting, complaints, etc.
- Part 8: Management System requirements, incl. actions to address risks and opportunities
- Advanced aspects of TCLMS Auditing (3 modules)
- FAQs about the Standard
- Online Course Examination
- Module 2: Practice with Scenarios, based on actual audits and includes advice on dealing with awkward situations and individuals.
- Audit Scenarios – Internal Auditor
- FAQs about the Auditing Experience
- On-line Final Examination
What materials are included in this ISO 17025 Internal Auditor Extension Course?
This course includes:
- Diagram: ISO Auditor Certification Process
- Diagram: 6-Stage Audit Process
- Sample Audit Plan
- Sample Audit Work Order
- Sample Nonconformity Report
- Terms & Definitions
- Typical Map of Operational Processes of a Laboratory
How is the Course delivered?
The Course is delivered on-line from our Learning Management System (LMS) at
All Modules have a full resume and scaling capabilities. This means, for example, you can…
- Start a Module at work on your Work Station running on Windows 10,
- Continue the Module on the train home on your iPad running on iOS 11 and,
- Complete the Module at home on your Notebook PC running on Windows 8.1
Are there any prequalifications to enroll in this ISO 17025 Internal Auditor Extension Course?
If you have previously completed an Internal Auditor Program with deGRANDSON Global, you are pre-qualified. Just log-in, enroll and start your Program immediately.
If you have NOT previously completed an Internal Auditor Program with deGRANDSON Global, you are advised to complete a free Pre-Test first to demonstrate adequate auditing skills. The Pre-Test will take 30 minutes approx. and is FREE. Click this link to begin: Course 704-1, Check your Internal Auditor Skills.
Regarding internal auditor programs generally, the minimum of a Secondary School Certificate (such as a GCSE, High School Diploma, Baccalaureate or similar National Vocational Qualification) combined with 2 years’ work experience is recommended. You do not have to provide us with any evidence of your qualifications and experience. However, if you do not meet these requirements, you can expect to struggle with the Program.
Not sure this is the best ISO 17025 Course for you?
Click here to view all of the ISO 17025 Auditor Training options.
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