All our Courses are true e-Learning and include extensive Scenarios The many short- and long-term scenarios presented are unique to e-learning with deGRANDSON Global. Altogether, they help bridge the void between theory learned in a classroom-like situation and the practice, and challenge, of face-to-face auditing. You get the opportunity to practice what you've learned...
What should you expect from a well-designed, well-developed, and well-delivered e-Learning Course? e-Learning had a bad reputation, and it was justified, but much has changed in recent years. Today’s online courses are usually a match for, and superior to, conventional training. And this, if for no other reason than for not being dependent on a...
Our Certificates, with their QR Codes, provide instant verification of your qualification as an ISO Auditor I need hardly say that you need every advantage you can get when seeking a new position or trying to secure a new client, especially if you are new to consulting. Our Certificates, with their QR Codes, provide instant...
We accept payment in US$ or Euro or GB£ - it’s your choice (more…)
Get to know how our LMS (Learning Management System) Works See a quick overview of how we deliver our online courses to avoid 'rookie' e-training errors. Video Transcript If you’ve not taken one of our courses before, here’s some essential information to help you progress smoothly through your course. Note that if...
The reality behind the myths about e-Learning There's much interest in e-learning these days, but does it work? What does genuine e-Learning look like, and what does it deliver? Table of Contents 'Live online training' and 'The Virtual Classroom' - not e-Learning 'On Demand Lectures' - not e-Learning Genuine e-Learning is different What...
Organizational culture assessments are critical to understanding an organization's internal context within the framework of ISO standards. Because organizational culture is a key internal factor that can significantly impact how individuals perceive, prioritize, and engage with occupational health and safety initiatives, these assessments help organizations pinpoint strengths and weaknesses that affect their OH&S practices. Organizational...